Wednesday, July 4, 2012


By: Sally Lleva,Katherine Mallon,Hareen Lumabas

PERSON: All persons are caring, has as its focus a general call to nurture persons as they live caring uniquely and grow as caring persons even when not all chosen actions of the person live up to the ideal to which we are called to the virtue of our humanness. The theory of nursing as caring asserts that it is only through recognizing and responding to the other as a caring person that nursing is created and personhood enhanced. The idea that persons are whole and complete.  It is  illuminated as living grounded in caring

The importance of person as person, of person as caring, and of person as a whole.

Person as person – Acknowledges the uniquenesses and special gifts of each individual. Means we are committed to knowing and responding to that which truly matters. There is a commitment to listening and reflecting on our knowing. 

Person as Caring - The assumption that all people are caring implies that caring is a way of living our humanness. Caring is an innate human quality which is at various points of development in each individual. It is a process, and people throughout life grow in their ability to express caring. Caring can be express in different ways like knowing, courage, hope, patience, trust, humility and honesty.

Person as a whole – Is a view that simply recognizes that at all times that people are whole-never parts. This perspective is very important to nursing practice because it precludes any attempt to nurse simply a diagnosis or afflicted part. The whole is in the part. Therefore, to nurse is to nurse the wholeness of a person. This assumption values and respects each person’s beauty, worth and uniqueness “as one seeks to understand fully the meaning of values, choices, priority systems through which values are expressed”.

HEALTH: a well-being state of a person. In this theory, health did not fully describe but we can attain overall health thru proper caring in all aspects of life.

ENVIRONMENT: Nurturing persons living caring and growing in caring. Committed intention to promote a healthy and caring environment. Defines situational to any context that is influenced by the client

NURSING: Both a discipline and a profession is affirmed as nurse draws on a set of values and a developed knowledge of nursing as caring to actively offer his presence in service to the nursed. The point of departure was the acceptance that caring is the end, rather than the means, of nursing, and the intention of nursing rather than merely its instrument. This work lead to the focus of nursing as “nurturing persons living caring and growing in caring.

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